As it was such a lovely day I decided to revisit Hemsted in the hope of getting some good pics of the Parrot Crossbills. DW phoned to say they had the same idea so I arranged to be picked up. When we got there it was a surprise to see about 15 cars parked and a couple of groups standing round. We strolled along the track and wandered down to the break in the trees but it was an hour or more before any crossbills showed. A group of Common Crossbills flew into the pines by the track and dropped down to drink and there were a few feeding around the tops of the pines at the other end but no sign of the 2-barred or any Parrots.
As we stood around a Clouded Yellow flew around and settled in the track, being disturbed by 2 horses.
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As we stood around a Clouded Yellow flew around and settled in the track, being disturbed by 2 horses.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad