Having returned from an interesting 2 weeks in Sri Lanka, a wander round my garden got me thinking about how the times are changing. We've had primroses out since before Christmas, snowdrops in bloom by January 1st and the Camellia has decided to burst into blossom at least 3 months early. Around the lanes the Winter Heliotrope, usually to be looked for in January, had flowers from early December and there are crocuses on the verges. Phenology studies show that migrants are appearing earlier every year, so, presumably, their food supplies are also appearing earlier and many are now not bothering to migrate as far or at all. Just wonder how it will all develop.
In my garden we now have Collar Dove and Wood Pigeons breeding in the evergreens, a pair of Robins cautiously exploring a relationship, Bluetits checking out the nest boxes and several Blackbirds chasing each other round. The House Sparrows are still a noisy, boisterous group on the feeders and we have just attracted a female Blackcap to the fat balls so not everything is ahead of schedule.
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