Saturday was very pleasant, although not much bird activity. We decided to go out to Hawthorn Corner to see if there were any green-winged Orchids out. We scanned the field but couldn’t see any flowers. A Yellow Hammer was in the top of a bush singing. We drove up to Wheelgate Farm but no sign of the Little Owls.
The Hooded Crow was reported on the Dengemarsh road, so we went round there and found it feeding with a group of crows at a bit of a distance.
We then visited the RSPB to see if there were any bees on the bank. Not much of interest but there was a Peacock Butterfly and several Green Tiger Beetles.
At home, checking the nest box, the Blue Tit now has 6 eggs and seems to be sitting. The male bird has been in a few times feeding her, once with a St Mark’s fly. During sunny spells there have been several Mason bees around the bee hotels but not the numbers of last year.
We did the first Breeding Bird Survey, with very few tits, no Whitethroats but quite a few Song Thrush. The footpath on the second transect had been churned to brown mud in places, which made it difficult to walk and there were some new pigs in one of the fields.