Checking out the trap at Kiln Field found
Following the discovery of Scarce Emerald yesterday, we returned the damsels to their pools, finding a new male in one of the pools. Jacques and Beth arrived and we spent some time checking the details of the damsels.
Scarce Emerald Damselfly |
As we walked in we put a Lunar Hornet lure out so after we’d released the damsels we went and checked the lure. There were 8 males in and around the pot.
Lunar Hornet Clearwing |
As we walked through the trapping area, we set the pots up in different places. There was a total of 24 attracted to the lures from 5 different spots. We also tried the Red-tipped and Dusky lures but no takers.
We walked out to the wigwam pools, although they were drying out quite a lot. We were looking for the water **** but all we managed to find was Water Forget-me -not, Marsh Bedstraw and one, possibly two more Scarce Emerald males.