Sunday, 25 June 2023

More Emeralds

Checking out the trap at Kiln Field found 

 Following the discovery of Scarce Emerald yesterday, we returned the damsels to their pools, finding a new male in one of the pools. Jacques and Beth arrived and we spent some time checking the details of the damsels. 

Scarce Emerald Damselfly

 As we walked in we put a Lunar Hornet lure out so after we’d released the damsels we went and checked the lure. There were 8 males in and around the pot. 

Lunar Hornet Clearwing

As we walked through the trapping area, we set the pots up in different places. There was a total of 24 attracted to the lures from 5 different spots. We also tried the Red-tipped and Dusky lures but no takers.

We walked out to the wigwam pools, although they were drying out quite a lot. We were looking for the water **** but all we managed to find was Water Forget-me -not, Marsh Bedstraw and one, possibly two more Scarce Emerald males.

On the walk back we tried the 6 Belted lure but 5ere were probably not enough plants. We did find a Heath Shieldbug on the bedstraw. 

Thursday, 1 June 2023

The pleasure of orchids

 Kent is one of the best counties for orchids and each year I try to see as many as I can. The Early PurPle orchids at Dungeness were attacked by badgers but a good number (60+) survived, helped by cages. A short visit to the graveyard of High Halden Church had some really nice examples of Early purple orchids as well as many early spring flowers. On the marsh is a field that used to be covered in Green-winged orchids but the numbers have declined over the years until they were down to 2/3 with none visible over the last two years so it was a nice surprise to count 17 this year. A very pleasant afternoon visit to Yocklett’s Bank found near.y over Early Purple, Lady, Fly, including the green one, White Helleborine and Butterfly nearly out.


We also found a new shield bug, ****, which was a nice surprise.