Sunday, 17 March 2024

March 14th

 Having put the actinic out for the first time on 16th Feb which brought 14 moths of 3 species, including 9 common Quaker and 4 small Quaker, I put it out a couple of times more but gave up when there was nothing in the trap. I started again on 11th March and have had it out most nights since. Last night I had the highest number of moths with 10 moths, of 4 species, the highest number of species so far was on the 12th with 6 moths of 6 species.

A decent day yesterday brought my first wheatears with two feeding on the turn area near the new lighthouse. There were a few Gannets and a Red-breasted Merganser flew up channel. A large flock of about 100 Brent, followed by a small group of 7 also went purposefully north. The sun brought out a small group of firebugs and a Red Admiral.