Thursday 30 May 2013

Spiting the Weather

Having read that Steve had found Bird's nest orchid and needing to get out  in spite of the weather we decided to go out for a ride and check up on Covert Wood. The ride was damp and some of the lanes were muddy and it began a light drizzle but the wood was dry although dark. Following the path the wood was carpeted with Dog's mercury and lots of Twayblade just coming out. We found about 16 Bird's nest spikes, most just starting to come out. It was so dark that I had to use flash. As we looked around I found a fly orchid and Mick found another spike. Dotted around were quite a few Lady Orchids ranging from just out to fully out. On the way home we checked out Park Gate, where there was no sign of any Monkey Orchids but several early Purple and lots of Cowslips, and the Woodchurch Bank where there were at least 16 Greater Butterfly spikes which will be better in a week or so.

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